Best offers in online storytelling courses in India
Best storytelling offers in online storytelling courses in India needs quite a bit of research. The pandemic due to COVID19 has locked ourselves indoors. We are trying to understand what makes storytelling special. Well, the CBSE schools have announced that storytelling is skill enhancer, especially those which moves the audience through communication, movement, voice modulation, expressions of emotions. In school classroom, the teachers teaching us are objective way of explaining things that lacks the creative thinking skills. However, in order to increase the school child willingness to express and communicate feelings and thoughts in each subject the aspect of storytelling courses for problem solving is a must. Sign up for a storytelling course online may not be similar to offline storytelling classes. However, the COVID19 in India especially the first and second wave has led to boom in online offers in storytelling courses for school children. There are mostly storytelling freelancers and storytelling genre, which is why you as a parent or a guardian need to find out the best offers in online storytelling courses in India.
Please remember, that choosing online storytelling courses in India is tricky as age group of the child is important. Most of the online storytelling courses in India are single- or two-days course, while few are certificate courses offering basic storytelling course to advanced level storytelling course. Some of the courses on storytelling online are free, like Coursera offers ‘Leadership Communication for Maximum Impact: Storytelling’ for only 6 hours. Udemy offers a self-paced ‘complete Storytelling course for speaking and presenting’ need to be completed within (29–30) hours and is priced at Rs360. Well free it is, ‘Presentation skills: Speechwriting and storytelling’ from Coursera for 33 hours and it is self paced. You can also opt for storytelling ‘Storytelling Fundamentals for all- 1 hour supercourse’ from Udemy for 2 hours only for Rs1280 while storytelling at workplace from edX is for Rs14535 for 3 weeks. The above analysis shows wide range of storytelling courses in India, but one question remains, how are admissions to storytelling courses in India decided? Storytelling online courses are available for school children, storytelling for college students, storytelling for working professionals, and niche areas like storytelling for Youtubers. It is clear from above, age related admission criteria is essential for storytelling courses. The storytelling course fees are typically prepaid and you get a confirmation of storytelling participation through email, phone text sms while you need to attend at a fixed time with storytelling using Zoom, and storytelling using GoogleMeet. Best storytelling offers in online storytelling courses in India therefore needs a quick research before you narrow down on any online storytelling course in 2021.